last cinema experience

Imagine a hi-tech device (remote control) given by you which you could control time, people around.. what life could that be easier..?! The scenrio is being realised by the movie 'Click". Life would be beautiful afterwards?
Indeed for the first part of the movie which goes as a comedy goes on with life goes on without sickness and being promoted by skipping all the routine. It turned up that one found out the remote got uncontrolled which he missed all the precious moments with others. He got what he want as being a CEO of the firm, but he got nothing other than that.
We all understand money cannot buy a lot of things. We understand how technology could bring out convinency by saving us more time. So are we tried to do more things to keep being occupied? What would be people remeber after that?
"Family goes first", a single sentence summed up what the movie want to talk about, to the typical US family and also to the developed world.
ps. getting a bit emotional these days when watching touching scene.. not sure why starting 眼淺..
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