Please touch it softly, thank you.

The unimaginable thing is, the artist turn them into shoes.... many many pairs of shoes..

It was interesting and amazing: how she collected them all, how she made it, how they were shipped, how they were kept?... how.... But the other questions are, where all these people (hair) came from, how are their life?
Would it be nice to wear them? They are not in pairs for sure.. Sitting on the ledge, looking all they displayed.... you can stay there quite a long time...

more info: Leung Mee-ping: Hair Dialogue
Labels: art, exhibition, travel
嗯, 你回來了?
不禁令人想起.....人的一生曾經擁有多少煩惱絲, 除了以上的用途還有別的嗎?
Skyflyer: ya, came as a short mid-autumn break for family and a fd's wedding.
Christine: I did want to stay longer and jog down what turns up in mind. A good place for inspirations...!
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