Singapore Idol 2006

Singapore Idol
It's an imitating show adopted from the US. For sure the quality and the excitement are all different stories from the former one. The local channel just want to catch the wave after the American Idol (A.I.) concluded around May... a strategic move.

What's intereseting, is the setting and the presetnation of it. Contestants are young as if they just finished hi-school without a job. Maybe more mature singapore people will still regard show business as an open face thing which they rather be conservative to do their routine office work for the society... possible chinese culture, things like that..?
Back to the show, the host(s) were terrible. Gromit Singh is well known in the locals as an artist with Indian origin. He surely is good in acting but not hosting. Especially when quotating the famous saying from Ryan Seacrest (A.I. host) "After the break' was just an impression of copy-cat and plagirism. Not to mention the uncontrolled screaming from the fans and absolute annoying prolonging way in presenting who will be out (no excitement at all as the pace of the program was being dragged too long, also trying to put words into people mouth by asking difficult question ("do u think Singapore made a right choice?"). Acceptable?

The best, for sure will be left, with good look and good vocal... hopefully. However, how it turned up to be, will be by SMS and

Finally it's just looking for 'idol', not singer as the title of the show stated. Commerical world need a great population of consumers to accept and most importantly, "buy it"!
More and more to talk about this like the 2 judges: Jancintha's coded coments and straight -forward Ken Lim (an icon like Simon Cowell in A.I.) on contestants' identity... These topics could really write up a thesis..!?
2 more weeks to find out the results... let's see howSingapore choose...!

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