十公, going to run

Went to collect my gift bag after work, lined up a few and getting more, but there wasn't any official queuing system in there... so..
The doors opened with a few minute delayed, people just rushed in. Any order at all? None!
That's all I have from the 'show bag'. The singlet is so sexy. The bag could be useful though..! Samples...
I don't think I will bring any bags there, still thinking of bringing the DC though... life as a blogger..!
10K, just finished the race then, no pressure on beating any times..! ^_^

原來星洲市民也如此不守秩序嗎?? 唔, 以往在港的外籍人士也很守交通規則, 但現今已融入港人的急速步伐即是衝燈過馬路的境況隨處可見. 你在港時的紀錄如何?? 跑道改變有否影響你的紀錄呢? 還是更有利....
昨天透過公司的培訓機會, 我挑戰了澳門塔的新玩意"SKY JUMP", 從233M高處躍下急降到達地面, 過程中兩大高潮首先當然是踏出躍下的第一步感覺有如跳樓自剎般......接著是於沿浮空中拍照後在無心理準備之下再次下降直達地面, 哪時我不由自主的張開雙手感到身輕如燕幻想自己化身雀鳥般在空中滑翔, 可惜時間真的太短.......有機會你也不妨一試吧! 預祝你不單跑畢全程還能突破以往紀錄創造更佳成績:p
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