Monday, September 24, 2007

Jesus Camp - the movie

It's been classified as R18 in Singapore, but it can be watched by all ages in youtube... >_<

It's a documentary from last year, took a whole year to be shown in Singapore and currently only showing in 1 cinema.

I have to state my religious view before commenting the film: from a conservative evangelical Baptist, which traditional as someone attending "a dead church." as one of the girl in the movie described people standing with hymn book mumbling... No speak in tongue but teachings and rely on God's word (the Bible).

The movie is about kids being bought into a summer camp once a year to be taught about Christianity. There were interviews with the kids pastor Becky Fisher, the kids, parents and the radio broadcaster Mike Papantonio.

It's controversial, as non believers would really questions what happened in the show: brain-washing kids with Christianity concepts, emotionally manipulating and propaganda. A conservative believer (me) would think is it necessary to push kids to speak in tongue, experience spiritual wash or fed them with concepts or issues that they might not understand...

I appreciated the method that the pastor demonstrated with toys and items (all these could be used in Sunday class indeed). The concept behind, to an extreme, seems to be adopted from how's Muslims taught their kids about faith or military countries trained child soldier to use gun. I am a bit reserve on this if things get up to a mental and emotion level especially with kids. Do they really know what they are doing? or experiencing? See Fisher comments in further readings.

I think of one of the animation I watched some years ago called Monster, there's a orphanage called 511 which trained orphans in new concepts to became a superhuman as Hitler...

How would those children grown up into?

It's always a reflection for conservative churches when seeing things happened in another way in others.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
(The Bible KJV, Proverb 22:6)

ps. The woman sit next to me nearly raised up her arms when the screen showing kids praying for G Bush 'cut-out'... so interactive...! -_-!

Further readings:
1. Official movie page
2. Becky Fisher in Wiki
3. Becky Fisher comments on Jesus camp
3. Monster by Naoki Urasawa in Wiki

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

i appreciate that the makers of Jesus Camp let the people interviewed do all the talking; over all, there is some useful truth in this flick as long as it's taken with a grain (or maybe a bucket) of salt

2:19 AM  

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