地獄少女 - Jigoku Shoujo - The girl from Hell

Well, just recently watching this animation in Singapore at mid-night... Indeed I know the reason why they show this in midnight because it just matching part of the story: myth from the youngsters saying the website of Hell only shown up at 1200 midnight so that you can enter the name of the person so the hell girl will deliver vengeance for you...
Why do I pull the the Full metal Alchemist in here (though I haven't got chance to watch it yet!)?
Both animation got rules in there!
for the Hell girl: The person who untied the red string (agree for the vengeance) will be going to hell when he/she die. (When a person is cursed, two graves is dug.)
for the Full Metal Alchemist: The Equivalent Trade: "To obtain, something of equal or greater value must be lost."
For all these rules, I couldn't mention enough on the classic comic:
The Death Note!!
People names being written will die in 40 seconds from cardiac arrest without mentioning cause of death...
(Well, this is only the first rule but many follows which I got confused afterwards..!)
So that's it!, all about rules..!! ;p
Indeed for the Girl from Hell, talks about "grudge" all the time.... the thing that lead you to the homepage and ended up typing the person's name in it...
Would that be something to do with EQ? The story shown up the reason behind these people, who are willing to deliver people to death in exchange of their after life to hell... Brave in a sense? or fool in another sense..?!
The price is high to pay, but there are still people willing to do it.... People are short sighted and losing patient for a fair judgment...
An ideal world is still to be expected in everyone's heart... somewhere, someday, sometime..
(image from wiki)
Further reading:
1. Wiki on Jigoku Shojo
2. this site is really made in real dedication to the animate!
3. Official site
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