mix feeling
Suddenly, things were shocked... by the terrible Earthquake..

Where is the Olympic Torch now?
Dramatically, things get changed from a party mood to a devastating mood....
The authority is using his ultimate best to beat the time for the more life to save, to do a better job than the his neighbor Burma, to present a better image to the world how hard they strive for...
Morning talk shows in radio stations did show concern on how to help. But again, they kept asking the most common question after shock: 'why': 1. from a geological view point; 2. from the structure of building; 3. from a social view point: the local authority and possibility reason of poverty; 4. Mr. Wen's behaved. People (phone-in callers) expressed emotionally and even stir-up unnecessary attacks and dissociations.... which wouldn't make the situation better at all but created more stress and chaos.... -_-
We pray,
for those who suffer can be saved
for what we have in life...
ps. whenever things happened like this acted like a reminder to me: behold, the Day is coming...
pps. the torch is in Jiangxi at the moment.
ppps. don't want to post earthquake photos as they are really sad...
(photo fr 1. http://torchrelay.beijing2008.cn; 2. http://www.sc.xinhua.org)

Where is the Olympic Torch now?
Dramatically, things get changed from a party mood to a devastating mood....
The authority is using his ultimate best to beat the time for the more life to save, to do a better job than the his neighbor Burma, to present a better image to the world how hard they strive for...

We pray,
for those who suffer can be saved
for what we have in life...
ps. whenever things happened like this acted like a reminder to me: behold, the Day is coming...
pps. the torch is in Jiangxi at the moment.
ppps. don't want to post earthquake photos as they are really sad...
(photo fr 1. http://torchrelay.beijing2008.cn; 2. http://www.sc.xinhua.org)