生日快樂 - the movie

A love story sort of movie from Hong Kong. It was a long wait for this kind of topic other than theme about trials or undercover...
Overall: Not too bad, a bit slow in pace, and ended with a Korean taste...
In general: Starting with a wrong concept of relationship from the girl side "adjustment", turns up to be a long struggle and wrong expectations at the end...
2 things to concern:
1) 花心 (not concentrated)
There were arguments on how Nam behaved: 1) in born or 2) encouraged by the girl Mi.
My conclusion is both..! ^_^
2) 自信心 (Self-confidence)
Mi (the girl) was still affected by the shadow (past experience of being abandoned by mom), with the attitude of the Nam turned out that she chose not to commit on the relationship by leaving it open for Nam ('adjustment' from partner to good friends). Surely, the relationship as a 'very good friend' will lead to a high possibility of separation in the future when they find out another person who would commit.
This kind of foolish: by telling your love one that you are only very good friend who in reality is the one you really want to commit with him/her, would keep repeating again and again people life ba..?!
The comment made by Louis Koo in the official homepage would be interesting to read as well..!
A lesson to learn as always.
Ending: I prefer honesty..!
ps. next time K song: 有多少愛可以重來 - 主唱 黃仲崑 曲︰黃卓穎 詞︰何厚華 編︰鮑比達